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GS Series™
Adhesive Resin

Designed for
Steel Mesh Reinforced PE Composite Pipe
Solar Panels

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Growing lifestyles and plastic consumption require a wider variety of composite materials.


Banzan GS series adhesive resin used in steel reinforced polyethylene spiral corrugated pipe for underground sewer is the bridge between galvanized steel strip and high density polyethylene (HDPE), which solves the problem of lack of connecting factor between them, the compound between galvanized steel strip and HDPE is good enough due to the existence of adhesive.


Resin Performance

By coating an intermediate layer of bonding adhesive resin between the steel rib and HDPE, the steel rib and HDPE are closely bonded together, successfully solving the problem of no linking factor between the steel strip and HDPE and making it have excellent composite effect.



Properties of Adhesive 

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Product Features

-Strong adhesive strength with galvanized steel strip
- Good compatibility between HDPE
- Long-term stability
- Outstanding processability, especially used in coating process of galvanized steel strip
- Good soak resistance performance

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Responsible development

We changes in the needs and development of its domestic & global clients to provide them what they want ahead of any other macromolecular adhesive providers. This approach has been dramatically updated to keep up with the times, and new technology has thus far evolved as fourth phases.

Steel Reinforced pipe hot melt adhesive resin.png
Great performance compatibility between HDPE
Outstanding processability,especially used in coating process of galvanized steel strip


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